How To Create a Professional Website With Wordpress Step by Step For Beginners

 In this article, we are going to teach you "How To Create a How To Create a Professional Website With WordPress Step by Step For Beginners" who is new in the world of blogging, there are a few basic things about (creating a WordPress website) that are very important to know for you.

This is a free and step-by-step guide that will help you to be a professional blogger, whether you are a beginner and don't have proper knowledge of blogging.

You'll learn everything steps by step, so feel free and read this complete article carefully.

So let's start to learn (how to create a WordPress website).

How To Create a WordPress Website Easy Step by Step Guide for Beginners

There are a few steps you will learn to (create a website or blog)

  1. Choose a Topic for your website
  2. Domain and Hosting for your website
  3. Create a Few Pages for your website
  4. Write First Post
  5. Promote Your website

These 5 steps are the most important to know for a new Blogger. So get started to learn from one by one.

1. Choose a Topic For Your Website

This is the first step that is one of the most important. A lot of people don't choose the right topic and get started to create a website but they confuse in the future about the topic that they choose. So you don't need to make this mistake.

Here we are going to tell you that how can you choose the right topic for you to create a website.

Your own Passion: You can create a website you are passionate about, like something that you already know but people don't, so you can share this knowledge with the world and help people to know something useful you share with them.

Your Story: You can share your own story with the world through your website. This is very easy, you can create a website or blog and create posts about yourself, like what are your hobbies, what you like and don't like, what is your specialist, etc. You can use this topic and share some special things about your life story.

Discover a Topic: You can discover a better topic from the internet, this is the best way and a lot of bloggers also use it to create a website. To do it you need to choose a topic whether you don't have knowledge but you think it is better for you. You can research about it from the internet and find out everything that you can share with the world through your website.

2. Domain and Hosting

This is step 2 for telling you how to purchase a domain name and hosting for your website or blog.

What is a domain name? A domain name is a name that you will buy from several websites that sell domains and hostings for bloggers or others. A domain name will be your website's address, and it is the main thing so you will need to choose a domain name that must have to related to your website's topic.

What is hosting? Hosting is like a disc of your website, that supports the data of your website. Only a domain name is not enough to "create a website", hosting is the most important like a domain name. You can buy hosting from the same website where you will buy a domain name.

Here you can choose a website below to buy a domain name and hosting for your website or blog. there are a few websites below.

1. Hostgator

2. Godaddy

3. Bluehost

4. Hostinger

These are the most popular domain and hosting platforms in the world, you can choose a domain name and get hosting from one of these websites to (create your own website or blog).

Note: You must have to choose a domain name with .com, it is the most popular and one of the best domains in the world, as you may know, everyone likes to use the .com domain for a website or blog.

Your domain name should be related to your website's topic, for example, you want to create a website about Health then your domain should be like that,,,, etc.

3. Create a Few Pages

This is step 3 for teaching you how to create some pages for your website, which are valuable and telling people about your website or blog.

Here you'll learn about 4 pages that are very important for your website.

  1. About us
  2. Contact us
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Terms and Conditions

  1. about us. This page is the most important because it tells people about you, people also want to know about the publisher, like who is he/she, why hir/her create this website, your location, your passion, your knowledge, etc. So you'll need to write everything about yourself on this page.
  2. Contact us. This page helps people to contact you, people can contact you through this page by filling contact form and typing a message. People must have a lot of questions to ask publishers, so you can help them to create a contact us page as people can contact you for asking about anything.
  3. Privacy Policy. This page is for telling people about your website's policies, like what is on your website, how is it useful for people, how people should use it, what are you selling or sharing through this website, etc.
  4. Terms and Conditions. there is a little difference between the privacy policy and the terms and conditions page. these both are telling people about your blog and something more. So you can tell people about you and your website through these pages.

A Blogger also creates these pages for getting Google Adsense approval, that is true these 4 pages will help you to approve an Adsense account to earn money with advertising.

4. Write First Post

Now that is the time of writing a post for your website. So here you'll know that how can you do it.

Just click on "post" from the left side of your WordPress, the post-editing box will open. Now you will see the option of writing, editing, uploading, etc. These options are for creating a post. You can use them to create a beautiful post for your website.

What type of post you should write? You should write a post that should be helpful for the reader, as a user can learn something from your post and like it. Your post must have headings, numbers, paragraphs, etc. These options help people to understand what you are writing about.

Design of your post. You need to make your post design clean, without garbage, only write those words that are important, don't try to write anything more like garbage. If you make your posts clean then people will like your website and come back again for reading your content.

After creating 20 or 25 posts, you'll need to get readers for your website, so this time is for promoting your website.

5. Share Your Website with Social Media

Here you'll know about a few social media websites that will help you to get traffic for your website.

There are 4 social networks for sharing your content.

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. Pinterest

These 4 social networks are the most popular in the world, and every blogger gets a lot of visitors from these websites.

1. Facebook

So you can open your Facebook account and create a Facebook page easily. Type the name of your page the same as that is your website's name. Share your all posts on this page for uploading content on your Facebook page. After sharing all posts, you need to join some Facebook groups that are related to your website's topic, this is a great way to get traffic related to your website. After joining some Facebook groups, share your all posts with these groups to tell people about your website and your Facebook page.

2. Twitter

Twitter is the best way to promote your website, there are a lot of bloggers getting lots of visitors for their websites from Twitter. So this is your time, create a Twitter account and share your all posts with Twitter.

Twitter doesn't have groups like Facebook, so you'll need to follow others that are related to your website's topic to get back followers for your Twitter account. You will get followers when you follow others, this is a great way to get your Twitter account followers.

3. Instagram

Instagram is one of the best and popular social networks for helping people to share their photos, videos, posts, etc. You can use it for getting traffic for your website.

You can connect your Instagram account with your Facebook account to get followers, it is the best way to get your Instagram account followers. Share your all posts with Instagram for getting visitors to your website.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is the best social media network with millions of daily unique visitors. It is for sharing ideas with people, and people can get traffic from it too.

Work on Pinterest, it is a unique way, you can create some boards and create pins on these boards. A board is like a category, and a pin is like a post about that category. So you can easily use Pinterest and share your posts with it to get a lot of traffic for your website.

So that was the complete guide of (How To Create a WordPress Website), you may know, you have learned something special and profitable that you can use in your own business, if it is true, please share this article with your friends who interested in blogging.

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