How To Create a Blogspot Blog Step By Step For Beginners

In this article, you are going to know that How To Create a Blogspot Blog for free. You don't need to buy a domain name and hosting, you can have everything you need for creating a website without buying anything.

Blogspot is a platform that you can use to create a free website, you can find more platforms which can be free, but Blogspot is one of the best and easy platform. There are a lot of free templates which you can use for your website.

This article is for beginners teaching "How To Create a Beautiful Blog With Blogger". You'll learn about everything you need to know for (creating a Blogspot Blog). So read this full step-by-step article to get skills of "blogging".

When you get some blogging knowledge, you can use a self-hosted website with your own domain and hosting, work on WordPress.

BlogSpot gives you an opportunity to create a free blog, but it has limitations.

However, as we mentioned above, for a beginner it is a great way to learn how to create a blog and begin the blogging process.

How To Create a Blogspot Blog Step By Step For Beginners

There are a few steps that are enough to give a great knowledge of "creating a Blogspot Blog", you can see them below.

  1. Create a Gmail Account
  2. Sign in to Blogger
  3. Set the Name and Address or Url
  4. Create Pages
  5. Write a Post

Before getting started to learn blogging in blogger, know something useful.

  • BlogSpot is a blogging platform powered by Google.  It lets you start a blog for free, but all your images will be hosted by Blogger that is part of Google. Blogspot is the oldest blog platform that helps to learn Blogging.
  • if the goal of your blog is to make money and to have a blog that is professional in appearance, you should like to create your blog using WordPress. It’s easy and with the help of our helpful guide about WordPress (How To Create a Professional Website With WordPress Step by Step For Beginners).

Get started to learn how to create a Blogspot Blog.

1. Create a Gmail Account

For creating your free BlogSpot blog website, search on google and log in using your Google account. If you don’t have a Google (Gmail) account, Click Here to create one for free.

2. Sign in to Blogger

Now you are signed in to blogger. Once you are logged in, then you need to set the name and address or URL of your blog. Just click on create a new blog.

3. Set the Name and Address or Url

The first thing you need to do is choose a name that is related to your blog's topic and select your domain with

Don't use your personal name as the domain name or your blog address, and instead use some generic domain name that you can brand later with a custom domain.

You can then select a blog template (you can change it anytime), and click on the button “Create Blog" 

You have selected the name and address of your blog. Now the time is to create a few pages for your blog.

4. Create Pages

Here you'll learn about 4 pages that are very important for your website.

  1. About us
  2. Contact us
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Terms and Conditions

1. about us

This page is the most important because it tells people about you, people also want to know about the publisher, like who is he/she, why hir/her create this website, your location, your passion, your knowledge, etc. So you'll need to write everything about yourself on this page.

2. Contact us

This page helps people to contact you, people can contact you through this page by filling contact form and typing a message. People must have a lot of questions to ask publishers, so you can help them to create a contact us page as people can contact you for asking about anything.

3. Privacy Policy

This page is for telling people about your website's policies, like what is on your website, how is it useful for people, how people should use it, what are you selling or sharing through this website, etc.

4. Terms and Conditions

there is a little difference between the privacy policy and the terms and conditions page. these both are telling people about your blog and something more. So you can tell people about you and your website through these pages.

5. Write a Post

Now that is the time of writing a post for your Blog. So here you'll know that how can you do it.

Just click on "post" from the left side in your Blogger, then click on create a new post, the post-editing box will open. Now you will see the option of writing, editing, uploading, etc. These options are for creating a post. You can use them to create a beautiful post for your blog.

This article is for giving some basic knowledge to beginners who are new to "Blogging" and want to learn something useful in Blogging.

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