10 Best Ways To Increase Your YouTube Channel Subscribers

If you have a YouTube channel and you want to increase subscribers then this article is for you. Here you will know about the 10 best ways to increase your YouTube channel subscribers.

Well if you are new and you don't have a YouTube channel and you don't know how to create a YouTube channel then this article is not for you, this article is for those who already have a YouTube channel and want to increase subscribers.

There are so many people who want to be successful YouTubers but some people failed to do that because it is not an easy situation. If you want to be a successful Youtuber you will need to be a hard worker on youtube, you don't need to miss anything because one mistake can destroy your work. Here you are going to learn everything that is important to "increase your subscribers".

So let's start to Learn.

10 Best Ways To Increase Your YouTube Channel Subscribers

  1. Create long videos
  2. Ask viewers to subscribe
  3. End of your video, tell people about your next video
  4. Try to be the friend of your viewers
  5. Add best thumbnails related to your videos
  6. Embed your videos on your blog
  7. Do keyword research to title your videos
  8. Do partnership with other channels
  9. Reply every comment
  10. Share your videos on social media

1. Create long Videos

You don't need to create only long videos you need to add everything you want to share with people. Your viewers never should think that they are wasting their time when they are watching your videos, they should get more than they want to get from your videos.

Well this is hard work when you impress your viewers but it is not impossible, you can create the best and unique content that can help your viewers. You need to create your videos for at least 8 minutes which should be helpful for your viewers.

2. Ask viewers to subscribe

This is one of the best ways to increase your subscribers, every YouTuber uses this way whether he/she is a successful YouTuber. You need to create helpful videos for your viewers and ask them to subscribe to your channel. You should ask 2 or 3 times in every video, maybe people don't focus if you ask only 1 time.

You can use a subscribe button on any corner of your video as people remember to click on subscribe button at any time.

3. End of your video, tell people about your next video

If people really enjoy your videos and be happy to learn from your videos, then you can tell them about your next video in every video. It is like an offer for your viewers and they will wait for your next video.

By the way it everything depends on your Content quality if your content is helpful and informative your channel will get the best number of subscribers.

4. Try to be the friend of your viewers

If you make a relationship with your viewers, they will more respect you and keep watching your videos and write good comments.

Once if you make some fans, you don't need to find what you should make the next video about, your viewers will tell you about something that they want to know, they will ask you to make a video about what they want to watch. You just need to help them and keep in contact.

You shouldn't forget to reply to any comment of your viewer, they comment to you to ask something and they want to get an answer, so you don't need to miss anything. It is a way to make a strong relationship with your viewers.

5. Add best thumbnails related to your videos

Thumbnails also work for attracting people, but you don't have to use fake thumbnails, you can use thumbnails that should be related to your videos. You should use the best thumbnails on your videos with HD quality

One thing you should keep in mind about thumbnails which are to make these unique, you can use the screenshot of the same video but make it different. For example, you can put your channel's logo and write something about the video. But make it simple as people can easily understand what is that.

6. Embed your videos on your blog

this is the best idea, embedding your videos with your blog means more ranking of your blog and the subscribers will go on your blog too.

So if you have a blog or website just started to embed your videos. If you don't have a website read this article "How To Create a Professional Website With WordPress Step by Step For Beginners".

7. Do keyword research for your videos

This is an important and useful tip for getting views from search engines.

Also, do some keyword research before creating a video. Looking for keywords related to your Content is easy, but are these keywords are right for a new video? How many videos already are available before yours.

You can use the SEO tools such as Google Keyword Planner can help you find the words people are using to find the information you’re collecting. Your aim is to find topics for wash a car: lower competition scores, but higher search volume.

This thing allows you to avoid making videos that no one is searching for, look at the next trick for that. Or videos with titles no one can find.

It will also help you avoid creating content on a topic that’s already highly ranked before you’re ready.

8. Do partnership with other channels

This is a very useful way to get more and new viewers and subscribers to your channel. Do partnership is like make connections to other relevant YouTubers. Your subscribers trust you and theirs trust them, so you can share viewers with each other.

9. Reply to every comment

a person watches your video then he/she wants to ask something so there was a way to contact you that is a comment box. People also comment when they want to share their thoughts with you, and if you will reply to their comments that means your connection will be strong with them and they will trust you.

10. Share your videos on social media

This is one of the best ways to increase your views and subscribers. You must need to have all social media account like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, and many more are available on the internet which you can join to share your content. You can get a lot of views and subscribers from social media if you have great content that can be useful for people.

So that is all you need to increase your youtube channel subscribers, you can be successful on youtube if you follow these ways carefully. If you like this post please share it with your friends who want to know about blogging.

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